Become reseller

Aldebra has always based its business strategy on the development of the indirect channel. ALDEBRAS analysis and ability to listen to the needs of the market that come from partners on the national territory are the key to the continuous improvement of products and services .

To become ALDEBRAS partner means:
  • increase their skills to be able to develop ad hoc solutions;
  • increase their sales opportunities;
  • increase its profit margin due to licensing arrangements;
  • assist in the best way your customer.
Support Sales and Marketing:
  • a competent contact person Aldebra dedicated exclusively to the relationship with the partner;
  • mentoring throughout the planning of commercial activities;
  • new potential customers and partners with competence;
  • supply of commercial documentation and marketing tools;
  • feasibility study, preparation of the solution and sizing depending on the infrastructure.
Technical Support and Training:
  • mentoring and collaboration of professionals of Aldebr already at an early-stage regarding the installation and configuration products;
  • assistance via the web and telephone;
  • Web-based management reporting;
  • product updates via the web;
  • updating courses and training.

Become reseller

  1. First name:
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  2. Surname:
    Input non valido
  3. Company:
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  4. Email address:
    Input non valido
  5. Telephone:
    Input non valido
  6. Fax:
    Input non valido
  7. Address:
    Input non valido
  8. Zip Code:
    Input non valido
  9. City:
    Input non valido
  10. State:
    Input non valido
  11. Subject:
    Input non valido
  12. Message:
    Input non valido
  13. Newsletter
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  14. Privacy
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