UP! is mobile, "always on".
Whether if installed locally or in SaaS mode, which is usable as an AX-CLOUD service, UP! Userportal has been designed to be accessible at all times!
The .NET technology and the native HTTP protocol allow the UP! client to connect directly with the maximum of security with any laptop or tablet with Windows 8.1 to the enterprise database. A connection is also possible with an iPad or an Android tablet with access through RDP (Remote Desktop).
The levels of access security and user recognition systems will ensure your enterprise the operativeness and the certainty that your data is always under maximum protection.
The latest generation devices of professional approach vowed to maximum of mobility, such as the Fujitsu Stylistic Q704 make perfectly the idea of UPs! notion in mobile.
Check out how to access UP! even in the most remote places with the mobile technologies Fujitsu and Panasonic.
UP! Mobile is also on iPad thanks to the app Team Suite.
For users more oriented to the sales administration or order entry, the UP! Userportal is available for iPad thanks to the family app
Developed specifically to integrate with the databases of your UP! ERP business, the solutions present in Team-suites ensure your enterprise a maximum of mobility thanks to the online and offline consultation of your working data.